On the heels of beta 38, which was mostly bug-fixes, beta 39B is here. It's a fairly significant update.
Features in b39B:
• Fountain 1.1 support & speedups -- this includes "forcing" element types by preceding a line with @ for a character, ! for action, and ~ for lyrics. That's right, lyrics. See the Fountain site for more about Fountain 1.1. There were also some improvements to how Fountain files are interpreted, which should result in a speedup for most people.
• Low memory optimizations -- Now DubScript will automatically adjust the number of "undos" in the editor according to how much memory your device has. It also will automatically clear some of those undos when memory gets very very low. Other parts of the program have been redone to either require less memory or release it back to the system more often.
• Rare crashers fixed, UI & cloud improvements -- this includes a new "notification" strip at the bottom, updated the Terms to include a refund policy (in short, there are no refunds, though you can cancel a subscription at any time), and some other tweaks to the About page and such. Also a compatibility fix for cloud services such as Box.com which do not provide "MIME" types for files. Finally, there were a few rare crashers under extremely rare circumstances that have been identified and (hopefully) fixed.
•Built with newest tools/sdk + extra optimizations - in the last three months Google has put out some updated libraries and build tools, so those should all help with compatibility and performance-- especially for older versions of Android. Also, some extra optimization passes are now taken in the build process, which may result in faster performance (and definitely a smaller file size).
• Does not expire after 3 months -- DubScript has been in beta for nearly 3 years and has always expired, as in stopped regular functioning, after ~3 months to encourage updates and keep people from using stale versions. Given the state of the app, it seems time to lift this restriction. The new beta doesn't have this expiration, although you're absolutely encouraged to continue to update for the latest bugfixes and features.
• YOU CAN NOW DISABLE ADS! (supported devices only) An option to disable ads was the #1 requested feature by users, and hopefully it will work correctly, given subscriptions are pretty new to the Play store :) "Supported devices" must run Froyo (android 2.2- about 1% of users) or higher, and the installed Google Play must support in-app subscriptions. If your Play store is up to date, it should be fine.
The disabling ad feature applies all supported devices using the same Google account. But be aware-- it may take two or three days for the subscription info to make it to other devices (the Play store needs to update its records on each device, which it only does so often). So please be patient.
As mentioned, it's been three years of beta... but we're not there yet. The app is indeed still considered beta, so as always you're suggested to use it with caution. See the Terms and Conditions in the app for the full set of disclaimers.
That said, if there ARE issues that you discover, please post in the forum.
As always, enjoy, and thanks for the great reviews!